5 Reasons to study business in the UK

Options for international students have never been greater. By studying a business degree abroad is likely to not only expand your horizons but can supply you with the foundation to go and achieve something extraordinary in the business world.

But trying to choose the right course, even in the right country, can be overwhelming. Despite a few difficult years for the United Kingdom, it remains one of the best places to study business, and here are six reasons why.

Here are the 5 reasons to study business in the UK

  • A wide choice of highly regarded universities
  • Business opportunities in the UK
  • An international setting
  • English is the language of global business
  • Shorter courses

1. A wide choice of highly regarded universities
The British education system stay’s one of the most highly regarded anywhere in the world. Cambridge and Oxford continue to place in the top 3 universities worldwide year in year out, while according to World University Ranking 2020 the UK currently has 4 universities and is top 15 in the world.

When it comes to business you are spoilt for choice, with London Business School, University of Warwick, and others currently leading the way. There are over 100 business schools you can choose from around the country, so you are sure to find somewhere that is suitable enough for you.

UK universities are constantly checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. They are completely independent organisation which works to ensure students are getting the kind of education that the UK prides itself on.

2. Business opportunities in the UK
If you are thinking about a future in business, there aren’t many places better to start your journey than the UK. With cities such as London, Manchester, and Edinburgh, these economic hubs offer huge benefits.

Perhaps you are looking for an internship somewhere during the summer, or have grand plans for a small start-up, then Britain is the place to do it. The UK has a rich heritage of ingenuity and entrepreneurship, it is a system that has always encouraged innovation, and continues to do so.

Perhaps you have no plans to stay in the UK after your course but simply studying business within this kind of environment is more likely to be incredibly valuable for your future career. And who knows, maybe you’ll just love this little island so much you may not want to leave!

3. An international setting
The problems that the UK have experienced over the last couple years with regards to Brexit have been well documented. It remains one of the most welcoming countries for international students. A place where you can speak and practice your religion freely and openly, a country that allows your education and understanding of the world to really develop without restrictions.

Studying business with other students from around the world is enormously beneficial. Not only can you make lifelong contacts with people you would likely never have met but furthering your understanding of business alongside international students can give you an insight into what does and doesn’t work around the world. A product that might sell well in India, may not sell well in Europe, and vice versa. Quite simply, you’ll have a deeper understanding of international business is significantly better when you are in an international setting.

4. English is the language of global business
Whether we agree or not, English is now the world’s international language. Studying in the UK brings the benefit of improving on a language that you are almost certainly going to need in the future.

If your plan is going into international business, it will be vital that your skill with English is up to scratch. Never underestimate the power of communication, and a good understanding of the English language opens doors that would otherwise remain shut.

Most universities offer English programs that accompany their courses, so your level of English shouldn’t put you off applying. If you can pass the English exam, you can gain entry to a university, you can improve your ability with the language along the way. The complete university guide is a good place to start if you have any questions about English requirements for universities.

5. Shorter courses
Most UK undergraduate business courses are completed within three years, often at least a year shorter than other countries. While you may think you are getting less for the result, that’s not at all the case. The way that the courses are structured means that the same level of education is being achieved, but that little bit quicker.

So, what are the benefits of a shorter course? The most obvious of course is financial. A typical UK business degree can be obtained with lower overall costs when you consider tuition fees, accommodation and living costs. Of course, a three-year business course at a top London university is not going to be cheap but put into a wider context with universities in the United States, for example, it suddenly doesn’t seem so much.

Without a doubt a business degree from the UK looks very appealing on a CV. The British education system is highly regarded around the world. This is not to say the system is necessarily always the best, but it has a certain aura to it that goes back hundreds of years now.

Characteristics that often define the British, self-discipline, hard work, and pragmatism, which are often mirrored in the education system. It therefore makes sense that future employers are likely to connect the same characteristics to students who have been schooled within the system. It is this impressive international reputation that really counts once you have finished your business degree.

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